Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Chickens Coming Home to Roost

For years - decades, even - Donald Trump has bent the rules - cheated, bullied, short-changed, and worse - for the sake of "Money, money, money, money... Money!" Now, the chickens are coming home to roost. Trump cries, "Foul!"

Trump, they're your chickens. 


If you had a multi-billion dollar business, would you hire an 80-year-old man (or woman) to run it? Of course you wouldn't. Then, why is America hiring Joe Biden, and 81-year-old man, to run this multi-trillion dollar business called the United States of America? The answer: Because America's dysfunctional democratic process has forced Biden (and Trump) down our throats, and it does not care whether Americans like it, or not. 

It is A.I. in reverse - call it "A.S.", Artificial Stupidity. Works the same way. We install it, and it commandeers the controls, rendering an advanced society of 330 million people, mere sheep.  


Besides, if Trump is the monster Democrats want us all to believe, why would they be sending Joe Biden to save the day? When the enemy sends in a fire-breather to champion its cause, you don't call on "A Place For Dad." You cry, "Achilles!"

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