Wednesday, September 4, 2024


I think the Democrats have out-smarted the Republicans. Everyone agreed that the only candidate Trump could beat was Biden, and the only candidate Biden could beat was Trump. So, both parties, to America's chagrin, called the other's bluff, jumped into their "hot-rods" like a couple of brainless teens, and charged full-bore at each other in that dangerous game of "chicken." (I know the game. On a summer's night in 1971, I was one of the brainless ones, jousting with my '64 Impala at full-throttle, daring a friend to come die, or be "chicken.")

Both parties went all-in, nominating their old warhorses, and cheering them on. Then, at the last minute, before the fated crash, Joe pulled off to the side of the road, leaving Trump to barrel on into the night where now awaits him a young and vigorous opponent. 

The Republicans had premonitions of this hellscape, and tried to shed Trump over and over - '16, '20, and now, at their most desperate moment, in '24. But, Trump is as stubborn as a barnacle clinging to the hull of a ship. (Could that explain that strange assassination attempt - a last-ditch effort by the Republicans to change horses, (a la the Democrats" in midstream? Or, is this too much conspiracy theory?)

Either way, the die is cast. As the French would say, "Il faut queue jeunesse see passe" - (Youth will be served.) It is an age-old truth that is arsenic to all geezers. 

Down with Trump! Kamala rules.  

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