Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Where Do You Go, Little Ones

What happens to their little souls
Those multitudes of babies aborted?
Might there be a realm
Where they go to grow into men and women
Where they can live out forever
    in some earthly bliss?

Do we truly believe in God
Is he not capable of such immense consolation
    for souls of such immense innocence?

There must be something for those 
Whose only chance at life was snuffed out
By those who thought too much of themselves.

Could not God retrieve their tossed spirits
Reclaim and refurbish their stolen breaths
Give it over to them
This wonderful place we would destroy
That they might become inheritors of Earth
    and give back to her the love she deserves?

Damned this slaughter of innocents!
Lest we pay eternity for this beastly sin.  

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