Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It's a Damned Shame

The Kennedy family gathered, fully arrayed, on the weekend of April 20, 2024, to endorse Joe Biden. At the same time, to Joe's delight, they denounced Robert Kennedy's firstborn son, Robert, Jr., and his third-party candidacy for president. 

Carrie Kennedy, daughter of Robert, Sr., and sister to Robert, Jr., has declared, "I can only imagine how horrified our father would be at hearing some of the things Donald Trump has said," suggesting that her brother's presidential run would benefit Trump's own candidacy. 

Ms. Carrie, I suggest to you, vociferously, that your father would be far more "horrified" to see his own children betray their brother, Robert, Jr.

There is no greater crime than betrayal. Benedict Arnold is one of the most reviled men in American history. In the Bible, it is Judas. "Et tu, Brute'" is one of the great lines in all of literature. In Dante Alighieri's "Inferno", the ninth level of hell, which is the lowest, is reserved for traitors. Perhaps this Kennedy family will be gathered there, too. 

1 comment:

Tico said...

Yo Man, you most certainly rolled a lot of stuff up into this hellishly spiced "Bangin' Burritto'! The general public shame of a family is one thing, but the broken trust & integrity of the so-called family's fortitude and/or reputation which seems even to stir the dead relative members is...well, let's just say "what if they were a gangsterous family?!!" Bro, I'll leave the final call of heaven or hell to GOD, however the drawing & crossing of moral lines in families while we live now, makes for interesting family drama, and EVERY family has it! Keep bangin' Cuz, Peace!!