Wednesday, September 11, 2024

She Breaches!

Say what you will about the National Basketball Association, but those men do what no one else on Earth can do. (It would take demi-gods to surpass them.) That is why the NBA exists - to showcase such talent. 

So, why does the Women's National Basketball Association exist? What those women do - Taurasi, Wilson, Stewart, Griner - millions of men worldwide, and boys as young as 15 and 16, can do. What does their league have to do with athletic excellence, which is what professional sports is supposed to be about? 

The obvious answer is sex and politics. Because they are women, they get a sports league just like the men. It is an extension of Title IX - that government legislation passed back in the 90s that assures girls are entitled to every sports opportunity boys receive. Title IX says nothing about athletic excellence. It speaks only of "opportunity." 

Today, the teams in the WNBA would have a hard time defeating a boy's junior varsity team. The women there would be hard-pressed to compete with the size, strength, and speed of 16-year-old boys. The boys would steal the ball from them, grab 80% of the rebounds, block many of their shots, and throw down dunks repeatedly upon their heads, (which would be very debilitating, considering the ladies, without lift, could not dunk back.)

The WNBA's viability as a sports league seems dependent upon the powers that be - the media, politicians, and sponsors - to create a biosphere that dispels truths, and replaces them with notions of equality that simply do not exist in the real world. And, many of us fall for it, the way we fall for Hollywood - the way we gladly suspend our disbelief for the chance to swoon over cinematic stars. 

But, let's not get this twisted: These ladies of the WNBA are not actors. They play their hearts out every night. Watch them, and you will come to love them. (I think I just answered my own question.)

She breaches! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Lebron James has released a new commercial that declares, "Being a winner is a curse. Once you win, you have to win again, and again..."

That, Lebron, is called "greed." Greed is a curse. It leaves us forever unsatisfied. It is a sin.

Winning, in itself, is not a curse. It is a concept, and by its nature, ethereal. What you have attached to your pursuit of winning, besides greed, are two other deadly sins - vanity and pride. They are your curse. 

Besides, winning and victory are separate issues. You've achieved victory, but that is not enough. Victory, to you, is merely an early destination. Winning holds what you crave most - glory. Seems you have not heard: "All glory is fleeting." 


I think the Democrats have out-smarted the Republicans. Everyone agreed that the only candidate Trump could beat was Biden, and the only candidate Biden could beat was Trump. So, both parties, to America's chagrin, called the other's bluff, jumped into their "hot-rods" like a couple of brainless teens, and charged full-bore at each other in that dangerous game of "chicken." (I know the game. On a summer's night in 1971, I was one of the brainless ones, jousting with my '64 Impala at full-throttle, daring a friend to come die, or be "chicken.")

Both parties went all-in, nominating their old warhorses, and cheering them on. Then, at the last minute, before the fated crash, Joe pulled off to the side of the road, leaving Trump to barrel on into the night where now awaits him a young and vigorous opponent. 

The Republicans had premonitions of this hellscape, and tried to shed Trump over and over - '16, '20, and now, at their most desperate moment, in '24. But, Trump is as stubborn as a barnacle clinging to the hull of a ship. (Could that explain that strange assassination attempt - a last-ditch effort by the Republicans to change horses, (a la the Democrats" in midstream? Or, is this too much conspiracy theory?)

Either way, the die is cast. As the French would say, "Il faut queue jeunesse see passe" - (Youth will be served.) It is an age-old truth that is arsenic to all geezers. 

Down with Trump! Kamala rules.