Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Knowledge of Good and Evil

America does not want North Korea to have a nuclear weapon. Hell, North Korea does not want America to have nuclear weapons. What does that matter? This isn't Augusta, where gentlemen Confederates could bar the door against men of color. This isn't a gentlemen's club at all.

America did not let Russia into the nuclear club; it did not let Red China in. Those two behemoths barged in. Same for the rest of them. Do you think America would have agreed to India and Pakistan joining the club? Not on your life. They, too, had to kick the door in. North Korea has kicked like mad at that same door. For them, as for the other nuclear-armed states, it is an existential matter. Such matters cannot be decided by other men and other nations. Nations must decide that for themselves. Either way, there will be consequences.  

America opened this Pandora's Box in 1945 and immediately proceeded to drop her calamity upon the Japanese people. Since then, nations big and small have yearned for such power. Power. That's what it is. Of course, we do not want anyone else to have that power. But, it is not up to us. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil exists. America first plucked its deadly fruit, (but could neither fence it off or cut it down.) Others were bound to follow.  

Nothing is so coveted by the world's militaries as a nuclear weapon. The ultimate deterrent - it is the equalizer, like the Colt .45 of the Old West that made little men the equal of big men. Yet, nothing is so evil as a single bomb whose sole purpose is to incinerate millions, and make shambles of nations for generations, and beyond. 

That door will not hold. More nations will get this great and evil weapon. One nation will use it. Only God knows what awful chain of events that will unleash.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Man, the title threw me off. I thought you were going to go deep into the human nature and possible chop up sin. That's alright, the effects of sin (i.e., self inflicted nonsense) is most definitely prevalent in the acts of world leaders. Keep bangin'!