Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Dumb, or Dumber?

This election is not about Trump; neither is it about Biden. Trump can do whatever he wants:  Tell a hundred lies, demean, distract; violate every accepted norm. And Biden can sit at home, and hope and pray that this presidency falls into his lap. It doesn't matter. All that matters is:  How stupid is the American voter?

Granted, they haven't been given much to choose from. (I'm sure much of America is saying to itself: "How did this happen again? Last time, it was Trump or Hilary. We did not want either. Now, it is Trump or Biden. How did this happen again?) 

Well, it happened, again. Now, America must prove if it is dumb, or dumber.  


With 7,000,000 COVID cases, and 200,000 deaths, what will it take for Americans to take COVID seriously? How about a boil, or some such manifestation upon our pretty faces? Every last one of us, then, would be ready to shoot the first person who comes within six feet. Vanity will do it.


Biden is white bread. Trump is crass; he is ignorant; he is a boor. But, he is not white bread.  

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