"What will it take," they add, "for lawmakers to take action?" It will take something our lawmakers do not have: Courage.
We don't seem to get it. We call these politicians "leaders", though they follow us. They are a tool of the American people's desires. I suppose that is how democracies are supposed to work, except when the people, themselves, are sick, and the so-called "leaders" are afraid to say, "Enough!"
In America, there are 300 million guns in the hands of 300 million citizens. Why? Put a bat in a person's hand, and he will swing it. Give him a rock, and he will throw it. Pass out 300 million guns, and there is going to be a lot of shooting.
Guns have a singular purpose: to kill. Even when you target practice with a gun, the purpose is to make yourself a more efficient killer. We have already killed most of the animals in America, (and they are innocent). Now, we shoot at what is left, which is mostly people. After all, we are Americans. We must shoot.
We the people want guns because we're tired of having to "get along" with other people. To Americans, "getting along" sounds weak. Rather have these killing machines that will make us super-men and super-women, (even super-kids): that will save us from fear, or from having to be conciliatory, or humble, or simply human. With guns, we won't have to teach our children to say "please" and "thank you" Just "Be Packin'."
America's 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is an obvious recipe for disaster. It would be a recipe for disaster for any nation on Earth. Fortunately, no other nation in the world follows our lead. And, the more we tout our vaunted 2nd Amendment right to bear arms," the more the rest of the world shakes its collective head in pity, and wonders. "What is wrong with those people?" I'll tel you: We lack courage.
Yo Man, point seen...lives will continue being loss one way or another because of the bottom line nature of s.i.n.: Self Inflicted Nonsense!! Yeah, I agree that USA leads the way in government stupidity along with lacking courage. Democracy: shoot yourself in the foot just for giggles, and when it's just about healed, shoot yourself in the other foot. WHY?! If you don't know any better, how can any better be expected?
Yes there are more firearms in America than there is training.
My man Tico. Holla! Good to see you.
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